Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Found Poetry - A Diary of a First-Time Lover

original website

I don't think it's too bad a spoiler, for God's sake
at a fundamental level.
Yeah it does it in way tracks with the continuum,
and as robust as its core mechanism is,
these games must make themselves available
Even so, it's rare.
It's a rare game that has the pluck to question its own thesis
even while it is actively enslaving you with same.
by the time that fucker turns on you,
Ken Levine can be heard laughing halfway around the world.
On Friday, after almost two full weeks,
I am still shaking my head at the solution,
which was beyond stupid and may even be dumb.
You know what it was?
The insurmountable issue that made it impossible to record statistics from any round?
My clock was fast.
My system thought that it was May, and not March.
This time was wrong, but I didn't care,
because Apparently this was all too much to handle a time traveler
Failed, I flirted with references to magic doors from Aladdin
and The Lord Of The Rings.
it was a perfectly formed nibble of alpha with no numerics or grammatic sigils.
Anyway, he got me in.
I went immediately to bed.

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